Congratulations on starting your own business!
Britt Worldwide ("BWW") is an organization with a long history of success in training and educating entrepreneurs around the world. We want to make sure that you have the answers all your questions. You will always have access to those who have a sincere interest in your success and who wil do everything they can to help you grow your in-home shopping business. The business system introduced here has been proven to help people develop successful in-home shopping businesses. The system saves you time by making information available to your associated in various locations, so that they can educate themselves without you having to be there. It also shows you how to educate yourself on business onwership, how to work with others in developing their businesses and how to avoid the challenges that could slow the growth of your business. Consider the BWW support system as your educational store, and take from it what you need in order to succeed. People buy different things from a store based on what they want, what they plan to do, and when they plan to do it. The BWW support system works the same way and is designed to help you achieve your goals as efficiently as possible. If you desire financial independence through a business that can produce a s0x-figure income, then you'll want to use the BWW support team. To develop this type of business, make it your goal to have at least twelve personally-registered businesses developing at the same time. The most efficient way to accomplish this is to use the complete BWW support system and create new habits. These habits include amongst others the willingness to work, listen, associate, and change your buying habits.

贝瑞德国际集团 (“BWW”) 是一个具有长久成功历史的国际性培训与教育机构。我们希望为您解答所有的问题。您将会得到那些真正关心你成功的指导,以及任何能够协助您建立家庭连锁企业的助力。在这里,我们会展示给您该系统是如何帮助人们建立和发展一个成功的家庭连锁企业。系统可以让您节省时间和其他不同地区的独立商人共享资源,他们会到相同德教育和培训,而您不必亲自到不同的地方建立您的事业;同样地,它也可以指您在事业当中如何自我成长;如何与其他合作夥伴共同发展事业;以及如何面对挑战。贝瑞德国际集团的支援系统提供充足的教育资源,您会从中获得成功所需的支援。人们可以按自己的需要,计划要做的事以及何时设施计划等不同的需求来从中选购不同的资料;贝瑞德国际集团的支援系统是一致性的运作方式,在全球有效率地帮助人们达至目标。如果您希望通过这个事业来创造财务独立,那么贝瑞德国际集团的支援是您最好的选择。要这个可复制的生意特续发展,您必须设定目标: 在同一时间里至少拥有12个亲自保荐及正在成长的小组。而要实现它,最有效的方法就是充分利用贝瑞德国际集团的支援系统和培养新的习惯。这些新的习惯包括; 乐意付出工作,听从指导,合作,以及改变您的购物习惯。

BWW Founders Mentol In Malaysia

Founders Triple Diamond Direct Distributors
Dr Wong & Celia
Welcome to BRITT WORLDWIDE MALAYSIA. Britt Worldwide is one of the biggest and strongest organizations in Amway. We in Malaysia are committed to help you, a member of the Britt Worldwide team, to build your Amway business to any level you desire.

Although you own your own Amway business, you are not alone. By joining Britt Worldwide you become a part of Britt Worldwide team. You will be amazed at the generosity shown to you by others in the team. You will find a willingness to help, guide and support you that you may not find elsewhere. Britt Worldwide engenders a very special spirit of sharing.

The leaders who started Britt Worldwide, Bill & Peggy Britt and Ron & Georgia Lee Puryear discovered many years ago that a proper educational and training system is imperative in building a big and strong Amway business which you can pass on the next generation.

This manual is meant to help you and guide you in using Britt Worldwide System. It is important you study it, apply what you learn from it, and refer to it when you face any challenges. If there are any secrets in achieving success in the Amway business, they are in all likelihood in this manual. It has helped thousands of people all over the world, and it can help you too.

It is a well-known fact that one must go through an educational process to succeed in any career or profession, and the Amway business is no different. So, to succeed in the Amway business, you must go through he Britt Worldwide educational process seriously and diligently. Step by step, it will guide you to success. In the end, not only you will be a big success in Amway, you will also be much better person.

Although this book (BWW Basics) will no doubt be very useful to you, it is important that you work closely with your active system upline leaders and to get counseling from them regularly. It is also important that the tools; books, tapes, and functions are fully utilized. They are part of the educational process.

Learning to run your own business using the Britt Worldwide system is an exciting, enjoyable, and a more likely way to become a big success. It gives you a great feeling of satisfaction and independence, as well as stimulating your personal development.

We are very thankful to Bill & Peggy Britt, Ron & Georgia Lee Puryear for leading us.

Dr Wong & Celia
(quoted from the book, page 3 "BWW Basics")

©Copyright 2008. E-Power International Corporation. Subsidiary By BRITT WORLD WIDE